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【 学 術 論 文 (査読有) :*はcorresponding author もどる

  1. Le Thi Thu Huong, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Luu Van Duy, Pham Bao Duong, Do Kim Chung, Cao Truong Son, Nguyen Hai Nui and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Feeding modes and technical efficiency of small pig holders in Vietnam: a case study in Hanoi", Environment, Development and Sustainability, online, Vol.(@), pp.@@-@@, February 2024, (doi:10.1007/s10668-024-04610-9). Scopus IF=@@@(), 5-years IF=@@@().
  2. Lin Gan, Takahashi Yoshifumi*, Nomura Hisako and Yabe Mitsuyasu, "The short- and long-term impacts of overinvestments on the profitability of agri-food processing firms in China", Agribusiness, Vol**(*), pp.**-**, August 2023. (https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21840). web of science IF = 3.2 (2023), 5-years IF = 2.19 (2023).
  3. Yisheng Ning,Mitsuyasu Yabe and Yoshifumi Takahashi*, "Understanding total factor productivity changes of Chinese N-fertilizer firms during raw material supply disruptions: a capacity utilization perspective", Applied Economics, online, Vol.(@), pp.@@-@@, November 2023. (https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2023.2277698). Scopus IF = 2.2 (2022), 5-years IF = 2.3 (2022).
  4. Zhao Ruofan, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Residents' Value Assessment for the Machine Separation Services of Household Kitchen Waste in Japan: A Choice Experiment Approach", International Journal of Management and Applied Science, Vol.8 (10), October 2022. (DOI: http://iraj.in pp.1-12).
  5. 吴臻・楠戸建・髙橋義文*・矢部光保「有機性資源由来の濃縮バイオ液肥(Bio-CLF)を利用した生産米に対する消費者選好分析-潜在クラスモデルを用いた選択実験の分析-」『食農資源経済論集』,第73第2号,pp.15-29,2022年10月.
  6. Myo Sabai Aye, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Lindsay C. Stringer and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Improving Rice Production Efficiency in Myanmar by Controlling for Environmental Production Factors”, Journal of Agricultural Science, 14(9), pp.26-29, July 2022. (DOI:10.5539/jas.v14n9p26).
  7. Myo Sabai Aye, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Profit Efficiency, Weather Risk and Climate Adaptation Practices of Rice Farmers in Myanmar”, Journal of Agricultural Science, 14(7), pp.1-14, May 2022. (DOI:10.5539/jas.v14n7p1).
  8. Zhen Wu, Yoshifumi Takahashi* and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Understanding Consumer Resistance to the Consumption of Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural Products: A Case of Bio-Concentrated Liquid Fertilizer Product", Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.14(6), pp.1-15, May 2022. (DOI:10.5539/jas.v14n6p1 ). web of science IF=1.476 (2020), 5-years IF=1.891 (2020).
  9. Vuong Quach, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura and Yoshifumi Takahashi*,"Structural changes in meat consumption in Vietnam: Evidence from household survey data", Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, online(23 pages), March 2022. (DOI:https://doi.org/10.1108/JADEE-08-2021-0206). Scopus IF=1.977(2022).
  10. Gan Lin, Yoshifumi Takahashi*, Hisako Nomura and Mitsuyasu Yabe. "Policy Incentives, Ownership Effects, and Firm productivity; Evidence from China's Agricultural Leading Firms Program", Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol.73, pp.845-859, March 2022. (DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eap.2022.01.001). web of science IF=2.497 (2022), 5-years IF=2.382 (2020).
  11. Gan Lin, Yoshifumi Takahashi*, Mitsuyasu Yabe, "The impact of state ownership on the productivity of China’s agri-food firms", Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.14(3), pp.12-22, February 2022. (DOI:10.5539/jas.v14n3p12). web of science IF=1.476 (2020), 5-years IF=1.891 (2020).
  12. Zhen Wu, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Comparative analysis of the determinants of fees charged by fee-based homes for the elderly in urban and suburban areas", Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, online(pp.291–309), April 2021. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-021-09837-w). web of science IF=1.442 (2019), 5-years IF=1.808 (2019).
  13. Le Thi Thu Huong, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Luu Van Duy, Cao Truong Son and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Water-use efficiency of alternative pig farming systems in Vietnam", Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol.161, online(10page), October 2020. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104926). 5-years IF=6.419 (2020), IF=6.551 (2020).
  14. Ei Thazin, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Adoption of Improved Soybean Varieties and Differences in Technical Efficiency Between Improved and Local Soybean Varieties in Southern Shan State, Myanmar", Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.12(8), pp.55-70, July 2020. (DOI: 10.5539/jas.v12n8p55). Scopus IF=1.082 (2020), 5-years IF=1.498 (2020).
  15. Duyen Thi Thu Tran, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "EXPLORING HETEROGENEITY IN SHRIMP FARMERS’ PREFERENCES FOR THE CONTRACTS OF PRODUCING CERTIFIED ORGANIC SHRIMP", Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vol.10(1), pp.270-283, May 2020. 5-years IF=0.02 (2020),  IF=0.04 (2020).
  16. Le Thi Thu Huong, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Cao Truong Son, Takeru Kusudo, Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Manure management and pollution levels of contract and non-contract livestock farming in Vietnam", Science of The Total Environment, Vol.710, pp.1-11, March 2020. (doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136200).  5-years IF=5.727(2018).
  17. Vo Hong Tu, Nguyen Duy Can, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Steven W. Kopp and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Technical and environmental efficiency of eco-friendly rice production in the upstream region of the Vietnamese Mekong delta", Environment, Development and Sustainability, Vol.21(5), pp.2401-2424, 2019.  IF=1.676(2019).
  18. Myo Sabai Aye, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Effect of Consumer Preference on Environmentally Friendly Tomatoes in Myanmar", Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.11(13), pp.29-41, 2019.  IF=1.330(2018).
  19. 黒川哲治・矢部光保・野村久子・髙橋義文「認定地からの距離と生物多様性認証が贈答品の消費者評価に及ぼす影響ー世界農業遺産・静岡の茶草場農法を事例にー」『農林業問題研究』,第55巻第2号,pp.81-88,2019年7月.
  20. 楠戸建・後藤貴文・髙橋義文・矢部光保「インターネット調査におけるモニター情報の利用による非回答バイアスの補正-国内草資源を利用した放牧飼養牛肉に対する消費者評価への適用-」『統計数理』,第67巻第1号,pp.51-62,2019年3月.
  21. 楠戸建・髙橋義文・矢部光保「寄付つき電気料金プランを通じた農村地域への資金供給の可能性-サンプルセレクションのあるグループドデータ分析を用いた接近-」『農業経済研究』,第90巻第4号,pp.391-396,2019年3月.
  22. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Modeling home composting behavior toward sustainable municipal organic waste management at the source in developing countries", Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol.140, pp.65-71, January 2019. 5-Year IF=5.228 (2017).
  23. Vo Hong Tu, Nguyen Duy Can, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Water Use Efficiency in Rice Production: Implications for Climate Change Adaptation in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta", Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability, online, April 2018. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s41660-018-0038-1). 5-Year IF=1.850 (2016).
  24. Vo Hong Tu, Nguyen Duy Can, Yoshifumi TakahashiSteven W. Kopp and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Modelling the factors affecting the adoption of eco-friendly rice production in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta", Cogent Food & Agriculture, Vol.4(1), online, February 2018. (http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/oafa20/current).
  25. Sein Mar, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Kazuo Ogata and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Impact of Erratic Rainfall from Climate Change on Pulse Production Efficiency in Lower Myanmar", Sustainability, Vol.10(2), online, February 2018. (DOI: 10.3390/su10020402). 5-Year IF=1.850 (2016).
  26. Susilo, Soebardjo Heru, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "The opportunity cost of labor for valuing mangrove restoration in Mahakam Delta, Indonesia", Sustainability, Vol.9(12), online, November 2017. (DOI: 10.3390/su9122169). 5-Year IF=1.850 (2016)
  27. 濱坂岳暢・髙橋義文・矢部光保「液肥販売がバイオマス利活用施設運営に与える影響の分析」『農村計画学会誌』,第36巻,pp.343-349,2017年11月.
  28. Bui xuan Hong, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Determinants of Marketability for Organic Biomass Liquid Fertilizer from Human Waste in Da Nang City, Vietnam", Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol.8(11), pp.1354-1371, October 2017. (DOI: 10.4236/jep.2017.811083). IF=1.14(2019).
  29. Susilo, Soebardjo Heru, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Evidence for Mangrove Restoration in the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia Based on Households' Willingness to Pay”, Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.9(3), pp.30-41, February 2017. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jas.v9n3p30). IF=2.28(2016).
  30. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Psychological driving forces behind households' behaviors toward municipal organic waste separation at source in Vietnam: a structural equation modeling approach", Journal of Material Cycles Waste Management, online, February 2017. (DOI:10.1007/s10163-017-0587-3). IF=1.693(2018).
  31. 野村久子・黄佳燕・髙橋義文・矢部光保「民間の支援手法による環境保全の検討-秋吉台草原の維持・継承のための方策-」『農村計画学会誌』,第35巻,pp.213-218,2016年11月. 
  32. Yalin Yuan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe “Model of Chinese household kitchen waste separation behavior: A case study in Beijing City”, Sustainability, Vol.8 (10), pp.1-15, October 2016. (DOI: 10.3390/su8101083).
  33. Loan Thi Thanh Le, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Factors Influencing Residents Dealing with Municipal Organic Waste in Developing Countries: Evidence from Rural Areas of Hoi An, Vietnam", Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.8(6), pp.129-136, May 2016.
  34. Arbiol, Joseph, Pedcris Orencio, November Romena, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Towards Leptospirosis Among Lakeshore Communities of Calamba and Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines", Agriculture, Vol.6(2), pp.1-12, April 2016. (DOI:10.3390/agriculture6020018)
  35. Phouthivong Khamsay, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Economic Valuation of River Conservation towards International Tourists’ Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Ecofriendly Services of Hotel Industry: A Case Study of Namxong River in Vangvieng District", LaosJournal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol.7(12), pp.897-908, August 2015.
  36. Tinggui Chen, Mingwei Liu, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Glenn C. W. Ames and Jeffrey G. Mullen,"Carbon emission reduction and cost-benefit of methane Digester systems on hog farms in China", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol.59(6), pp.948-966, 2016.
  37. Yoshifumi Takahashi“To what extent does the market price of imported fishmeal affect the market price of pisciculture products in Japan? The case of yellow tail and sea bream”, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol.4 (7B), pp.565-570, 2014.
  38. 國井大輔・髙橋義文・林岳・田中宗浩「温暖化緩和策としての家畜ふん尿の液肥利用の多角的評価-中国江蘇省金壇市を事例として-」『農林水産政策研究』23pp23-502014.
  39. 髙橋義文「養殖飼料の価格変化が養殖収穫物の産地市場価格に及ぼす影響評価」『開発学研究』第24巻第3pp.19-262014
  40. 髙橋義文「ファジィ線形計画による複合養殖経営の労働と生簀台数の最適配分に関する研究」『開発学研究』第23巻第3pp.22-302013
  41. 桟敷孝浩・玉置泰司・髙橋義文・阿部信一郎・井口恵一郎「アユ増殖がもたらす川の景観保全効果に対する経済評価」『陸水学雑誌』第73巻第2pp.73-802012
  42. 玉置泰司・桟敷孝浩・髙橋義文・徳田幸憲「渓流釣り場での禁漁区の解禁に対する遊漁者の支払意意志額とその背景」『陸水学雑誌』第73巻第1pp.17-222012
  43. Yoshifumi Takahashi and Peter Nijkamp, "Multifunctional Agricultural Land Use in A Sustainable World", Romanian Journal of Regional Science, Vol.4(2), pp.1-31, 2010.
  44. 髙橋義文・林岳・山本充「農林業の環境負荷と多面的機能を考慮した新たな持続可能性評価手法に関する研究」『2005年度日本農業経済学会論文集』pp.304-3102006.
  45. 山本充・髙橋義文・林岳「ハイブリット型メゾ環境会計の試算-北海道地域を対象として-」『日本環境共生学会2006年度学術大会発表論文集』,pp.118-123,2006.
  46. 伊藤昭男・髙橋義文「エコロジカル・フットプリントと産業連関分析-方法論と地域への適用-」『産業連関-イノベーション&I-Oテクニーク』Vol.14(1)pp.27-342006.
  47.  増田清敬・髙橋義文・山本康貴・出村克彦「LCAを用いた低投入型酪農の環境影響評価-北海道根釧地域のマイペース酪農を事例として-」『システム農学』第21巻第2pp.99-1122005
  48. 髙橋義文「発展途上地域における農業活動の持続性評価に関する研究」『北海道大学大学院農学研究科邦文紀要』第27巻第1pp115-1972005
  49. 髙橋義文・出村克彦「自然環境問題と持続的農業農村開発」『2003年度日本農業経済学会論文集』pp.411-4162003
  50. 髙橋義文・佐藤和夫「岐阜県揖斐川町『旧桂川用水路』整備による経済効果-パラメトリック推計法とノンパラメトリック推計法による評価-」『農林業問題研究』第37巻第4pp.188-1922002.

【 学 術 論 文 (査読無) 】 もどる

  1. Sha HUANG, Tinggui CHEN, Mitsuyasu YABE and Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI, "Consumers’ Responsiveness towards Contaminated Imported Cold Chain Seafood in China: Does Trust Matter?", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.69(2), pp.93-100, September 2024.
  2. Le YANG, Zhongquan SUN, Lin TONG, Bingtao QIN, Gan LIN, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI* and Mitsuyasu YABE, "The Impact of Global Value Chains Participation on Carbon Emissions: New Evidence from Manufacturing Industries in Belt and Road Initiative Countries", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.69(2), pp.111-121, September 2024.
  3. Bingtao QIN, Yuehui GE, Liming GE, Yongwei YU, Gan LIN, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI* and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Influence of “Two Mountains” Bases Policy on Green Economic Development", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.68(2), pp.199-210, September 2023. (https://doi.org/10.5109/6796266).
  4. Zhen WU, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI* and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Farmers’ Use Intention Toward Environmentally Friendly Fertilizer: A Case Study of Bio-Concentrated Liquid Fertilizers", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.68(1), pp.101-109, March 2023. (https://doi.org/10.5109/6770297).
  5. Le Thi Thu HUONG, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI, Luu Van DUY and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Development of Livestock Farming System and Technical Efficiency: A Case Study on Pig Production in Vietnam", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.68(1), pp.79-90, March 2023. (https://doi.org/10.5109/6770291). 
  6. Tran Thi Ut LINH, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI, Hisako NOMURA and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Estimating willingness to pay for switching to bring shopping bags in Vietnam", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.68(1), pp.91-100, March 2023. (https://doi.org/10.5109/6770296).
  7. Zhen WU, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Will Consumers Support Green Innovation Products? A Study of Consumers’ Choice Preference Towards Bio-Concentrated Liquid Fertilizers", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.67(1), pp.75-82, February 2022. (https://doi.org/10.5109/4772413).
  8. Yufeng HE, Tinggui CHEN,Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Mitsuyasu YABE, "The Livelihood Strategy Transformation of Retired Fishing Households under the Background of the Fishing Ban Policy in the Yangtze River, China", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol67(1), pp.83-92, February 2022. (https://doi.org/10.5109/4772414).
  9. Le Thi Thu HUONG, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI, Luu Van DUY, Cao Truong SON, Do Kim CHUNG and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Wastewater Treatment Efficiency of Small and Large-Scale Pig Farms in Vietnam", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyusuh University, Vol.66(2), pp.291-297, September 2021. (https://doi.org/10.15017/4486561).
  10. Heru SUSILO, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI, Goshi SATO, Hisako NOMURA, Mitsuyasu YABE, "The Adoption of Silvofishery System to restore Mangrove Ecosystems and Its Impact on Farmers’ Income in Mahakam Delta, Indonesia", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyusuh University, Vol.63(2), pp.433-442, September 2018.
  11. Tinggui CHEN, Gan LIN, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Aquatic Product Processing Industry's Total Factor Productivity and Influencing Factors in China", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyusuh University, Vol.63(2), pp.423-431, September 2018.
  12. Nguyen Bich Hong, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Environmental Efficiency and Economic Losses of Vietnamese Tea Production: Implications for Cost Savings and Environmental Protection", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.61(2), pp.383-390, September 2016.
  13. Yoshifumi Takahashi, Tsutomu Miyata and Hiroki Wakamatsu, "An analysis of Effective Marketing Strategies for Miyagi Shelled Oyster after the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.61(1), pp.251-255, February 2016.
  14. Yalin YUAN, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Preferences for Attributes of Household Kitchen Waste Source Separation Services in China Using Latent Class Approach", Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Vol.60 (2), pp511-518, September 2015.
  15. 川波匠 ・髙橋義文・佐藤剛史・矢部光保「地方自治体主導による再生可能エネルギーの生産・販売と新電力事業者の選択に関する住民意識の構造分析」『九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌』,第71巻第2号,pp59-70,2016年09月.
  16. Takashi Hayashi and Yoshifumi Takahashi, "Market internalized value of bio-friendly agriculture: An evaluation of impact of stork-friendly rice production on a local economy", Procedings of 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists (CD-ROM), Paper No.206, pp1-18, August 2015.
  17. Yoshifumi Takahashi, “An analysis of the causality between the market price of imported fishmeal and the market price of marine farmed fish", Bulletin of Fisheries Research Agency, No.40, pp.79-82, March 2015.
  18. 髙橋義文・桟敷孝浩「栄養バランスの導入によるAgricultural Economy Modelの拡張」『北星論集』第50巻第1号,pp.17-26,2010年.
  19. 山本充・髙橋義文・林岳「ハイブリッド型環境勘定とエコロジカル・フットプリントによる北海道の持続可能性評価」『商学討究』,第58巻4号,pp.65-80,2008年.
  20. 桟敷孝浩・髙橋義文「国営畑地帯総合土地改良パイロット事業による農業・農村の景観保全効果-CVMにおけるノンパラメトリック推定法とパラメトリック推定法による評価-」『酪農学園大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編』第33巻1号,pp.91-100,2008年
  21. 髙橋義文・伊藤昭男・阿部秀明・笹木潤・蘇林・出村克彦「中国・恩格貝における緑地化の推進と人口許容量との関係」『HINAS Discussion Paper』,No.128,pp.1-5,2007年
  22. 伊藤昭男・蘇林・髙橋義文・出村克彦・笹木潤・阿部秀明「チンギス・ハン陵観光区開発の今日的意義」『HINAS Discussion Paper』No.129,pp.1-8,2007年.
  23. 髙橋義文・林岳・合田素行「環境会計と環境チェックソフトの開発を中心に」『農林水産政策研究所レビュー』,No.18,pp.32-39,2006年.
  24. Takashi Hayashi, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitasu Yamamoto, “How Can We Evaluate the Sustainability of Agriculture?: An Evaluation by NAMEA and the Ecological Footprint”, The Economic Review, Vol.56(2-3), pp.131-144, 2005.
  25. 髙橋義文「持続性概念からみたエコロジカル経済学」『農経論叢』第60巻,pp.175-188,2004年.
  26. 魏台錫・髙橋義文「仲卸業者の青果物購買行動と産地のマーケティング課題」『経済分析研究会』,No.20,pp.1-17,2003年.
  27. 髙橋義文・平泉光一「付帯施設の識別を考慮した農地の外部経済性の評価」『経済分析研究会』,No.19,pp.1-11,2003年.
  28. 出村克彦・髙橋義文・林岳「Carrying Capacityからみた自然生態系と人間活動の関係-Ecological Footprintによる中国農村の一考察-」『農経論叢』第58巻,pp.167-183,2002年.

【著 書】 

  1. 髙橋義文・國井大輔・林岳・田中宗浩「メタン発酵施設の設置がもたらす温室効果ガス排出削減効果-家畜糞尿を対象にしたAMS-Ⅲ.D.ver18による環境評価-」,矢部光保編『高水分バイオマスの液肥利用と環境影響評価-日中欧の比較-』,筑波書房,pp.240-257,2015年.
  2. 髙橋義文「持続可能性とエコロジカル経済学」,出村克彦・山本康貴・吉田謙太郎編『農業環境の経済評価多面的機能・環境勘定・エコロジ』,北大図書刊行会,pp.359-382,2008年.
  3. 林岳・山本充・髙橋義文「メゾ環境会計による地域経済と農林業の持続可能性の分析」,出村克彦・山本康貴・吉田謙太郎編『農業環境の経済評価多面的機能・環境勘定・エコロジ』,北大図書刊行会,pp.294-333,2008年.
  4. 髙橋義文・林岳・山本充・出村克彦「エコロジカル・フットプリントを用いた持続可能性評価と環境収容力の推定-土地資源に注目したCarrying Capacityの静学評価-」,出村克彦・山本康貴・吉田謙太郎編『-農業環境の経済評価-多面的機能・環境勘定・エコロジ』,北大図書刊行会,pp.383-412,2008年.
  5. 髙橋義文・出村克彦「エメルギーフロー・モデルを用いた持続可能性評価と定常状態の推定-太陽エネルギーに注目した動学評価-」,出村克彦・山本康貴・吉田謙太郎編『農業環境の経済評価-多面的機能・環境勘定・エコロジ』,北大図書刊行会,pp.413-444,2008年.
  6. 髙橋義文 「エコロジカル・フットプリント」「近自然工法」「生物多様性」「農業農村の多面的機能」「ビオトープ」『農業経営学術用語辞典』,農林統計協会,2007.01,p.16,pp.48-49,pp.128-129,pp.199-200,pp.181-182.
  7. 髙橋義文・出村克彦「自然生態系と人間活動の新たな共存原理-Carrying Capacity概念による人間活動の観点から-」,但野利秋・出村克彦編『中国山岳地帯の森林環境と伝統社会』,北大図書刊行会,pp.39-64,2006年