教授 矢部 光保
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7. Gan Lin, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Policy Incentives, Ownership Effects, and Firm productivity; Evidence from China's Agricultural Leading Firms Program", Best Research Award, International Research Awards on New Science Inovations NESIN 2022 Aweards, Science Father (approved and registered by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India), 13 June 2022. 

6. Loan, Le Thi Thanh, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Phycological driving forces behind households' behaviors toward municipal organic waste separation at source in Vietnam; A structural equation modeling approach", The outstanding paper award from among about 450 original articles published in Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management during 2017-2019, 14 April, 2021. 

5.Lin GAN, Mitsuyasu YABE Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Hisako NOMURA, "Could The Chosen One Be The Better One?: Evaluation on China's "Agricultural Leading Enterprises Program"", Award for Academic Achievement in the 10th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2019, The 10th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2019,  Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, 28 October 2019.

4. Loan, Le Thi Thanh, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Phycological driving forces behind households' behaviors toward municipal organic waste separation at source in Vietnam; A structural equation modeling approach", Best Paper Award, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 6 June, 2019.

3. Takeru KUSUDO, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI, Takafumi Gotoh and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Considering Non-Response Bias in Contingent Valuation by Using Auxiliary Variables in Internet Based Survey", Award for Academic Achievement in the 9th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2018, The 9th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2018, Pyeongchang, Korea, 19 October, 2018.

2. Hong, Nguyen Bich and Yabe Misuyasu, "Input-oriented technical efficiency of tea production in the Northern mountainous region of Vietnam", Best student paper award, International conference on social sciences and psychology, pp 95-108.

1. Arbiol, Joseph Morales, "Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Leptospirosis Among Coastal Communities in Calamba and Los Banos, Laguna, Philippine", Best poster award, AFFELiSA,Korea, 23 August 2015.


3. 吴臻・楠戸建・髙橋義文・矢部光保「有機性資源由来の濃縮バイオ液肥(Bio-CLF)を利用した生産米に対する消費者選好分析-潜在クラスモデルを用いた選択実験の分析-」(食農資源経済学会学会誌賞,『食農資源経済論集』,第73第2号,pp.15-29,2022年10月).

2. 村松孝亮・徳村雅弘・王斉・三宅祐一・雨谷敬史・水田一枝・矢部光保・牧野正和「フォトフェントン反応によるメタン発酵廃液の処理」(第28回日本環境化学討論会, 埼玉会館, 埼玉県, 2019年)「環境化学会賞」,2019年6月.

1. 楠戸建・矢部光保「表明された支払意思額と実際の支払額の差に関する分析―農業用水車への募金活動を事例として―」(『農村計画学会誌』農村計画学会、33巻特別号、pp.323-328、2014年)「平成26年度農村計画学会ベストペーパー賞」,2015年4月