教授 矢部 光保
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Arbiol Joseph, Maridel Borja, Mituyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Nina Gloriani, Shin-ichi Yoshida, Valuing Human Leptospirosis Prevention Using the Opportunity Cost of Labor,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2013.10(5),1845-1860,2013.05.


Yuan, Yalin and Mitsuyasu Yabe. Demand for New Loan Product by Farming Households in Northwest China: Case Study of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces, China-USA Business Review, 12(3), pp. 229-240, 2013.03.

Nomura, Hisako, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Takeshi Nishio, Mari Izumi, Kazuo Hirai and Tetsuji Kurokawa,  Framework for improvement of farmland biodiversity in Japan, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,10(1),  pp.1-16, 2012.9.

Galawat, Fadil and Mitsuyasu Yabe. Profit Efficiency in Rice Production in Brunei Darussalam: A Stochastic Frontier Approach, Journal of ISSAAS, 18(1), pp.100-112,2012.

前田守弘・河野憲治・谷山一郎・上薗一郎・脇門英美・加藤邦彦・井上京・中村真人・板橋直氏・矢部光保「家畜排せつ物の利活用と水質問題から考える有機物管理の次世代パラダイム」『日本土壌肥料学会学会誌』第83巻第2号, pp.203-209,2012.4.

Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe. Rice Yield Loss Due to Industrial Pollution in Vietnam.  Journal of US-China Public Administration, 9(3), pp. 248 - 256, 2012.3.

Hoang, Van Long and Mitsuyasu Yabe. Economic Transformation in Rural Vietnam, pp. A Perspective from Agriculture. China-USA Business Review, 10(12), pp.1347-1360, 2011.12.

Hoang, Van Long and Mitsuyasu Yabe. The Impact of Environmental Factors on the Productivity and Efficiency of Rice Production, pp. A Study in Vietnam's Red River Delta. European Journal of Social Sciences, 26(2), pp. 218-230, 2011.12.

Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe. An Analysis of Willingness to Pay for Commodity Insurance of Rice Production in Vietnam, Asia-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 11(2), pp.485-493, 2011.12.

Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe. Evaluation of the Impact of Water Pollution on Rice Production in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.  The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 7(5), pp.43 -58, 2011.12

Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe. The Price Insurance Demand of Rice Producers in Vietnam.  International Journal Arts & Sciences, 3(2), pp.127-135, 2011.11.

英格・陳廷貴・矢部光保「上海カニのChina GAP認証適用に関する消費者意識の経済分析」『農林業問題研究』第183号(第47巻第2号)pp.243-248, 2011.9.

矢部光保・林岳「生きものブランド米における生物多様性の価値形成」『九州大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌』第66巻第2号, pp.21-32, 2011.10.

Hyunh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Technical Efficiency Analysis of Rice Production on Vitenam, Journal of ISSAAS, 17(1), pp.134-146, 2011.6. 

Galawat, Fadil and Mitsuyasu Yabe. An Analysis of Farm Level Technical Efficiency in the Rice Production in Brunei Darussalam, pp. A Stochastic Frontier Approach. The International Journal Arts & Science, 4(15), pp. 21-31, 2011.

Hoang, Van Long and Mitsuyasu Yabe. Factors Affecting to Household Income of the Kinh and the Ethnic Minority in Rural Vietnam, pp. A Case Study in the Buffer Zone of Bach Ma National Park. Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics. 11(1), pp. 209-219, 2011.

野村久子・矢部光保・和泉真理・平井一男・西尾健「農地における生物多様性の取り組み実施  状況と課題−イングランドにおける環境スチュワードシップ制度の事例−」『九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌』第65巻第2号,pp.143−149,2010.10.


Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe. Economic Impact of Water Pollution on Rice Production in VietnamLAP Lambert Academic Publishing, pp.1-89, 2013.02

Mitsuyasu Yabe, Takashi Hayashi and Bunei Nishimura, Economic analysis of consumer behaviour and agricultural products based on biodiversity conservation value, In J.Ram Pillarisetti (ed.), Multifunctional Agriculture, Ecology and Food Security: International Perspectives, pp.21-37, 2013.02

西尾健・和泉真理・野村久子・平井一男・矢部光保『英国の農業環境政策と生物多様性』筑波書房, pp.1-171,2013.1

Huynh Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Impact of Industrial Water Pollution on Rice Production in Vietnam, In Dr. Nigel W.T. Quinn (Editor).International Perspectives on Water Quality Management and Pollutant Controlpp. 61-85, Croatia, INTECH publishing, 2013.2.

Huynh Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe ,The Comparative Advantage of Soybean Production in Vietnam: A Policy Analysis Matrix Approach, In Dr. James E. Board (Editor). A Comprehensive Survey of International Soybean Research – Genetics, Physiology, Agronomy, and Nitrogen Relationships, pp. 161-179, Croatia, INTECH publishing, 2013.1

Hoang,Van Long and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Economic Development in Viet Nam :Its Impacts on the Society and Agriculture Production, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, pp.1-124, 2012.9

矢部光保「阿蘇草原における生物多様性と文化的景観の保全価値評価」横川洋・高橋佳孝編著『生態調査的農業形成と環境直接支払い―農業環境政策論からの接近―』青山社, pp.173-193, 2012.

Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Productive Efficiency of Soybean Production in the Mekong River Delta of Viet Nam, In Tzi-Bun Ng ed., Soybean – Applications and Technology, pp.111-126, INTECH publishing, Croatia, 2011.4

英格・陳廷貴・南石晃明・矢部光保「中国太湖の水質汚染と水産物への安全認証に対する消費者意識」南石晃明編著『食料・農業・環境とリスク』農林統計出版, pp.289-309, 2011.

矢部光保・両角和夫編著『コメのバイオ燃料化と地域振興―エネルギー・食料・環境問題への挑戦―』筑波書房,  p.284, 2010.

Ou, Ratanak and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Valuing Preferences for Ecotourism in the Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary, Cambodi, In Bennett, J. and E. Birol (eds.) Choice Experiments in Developing Countries, pp. Implementation, Challenges and Policy Implications, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp.205-222, 2010. 

Kontoleon, Andreas and MitsuyasuYabe, Latent Market Segmentation Analysis of Choice Experiment Data and Implications for the EU’s GM Labeling Policy, in Ekin Birol and Phoebe Koundouri (eds.) The Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.146-177, 2008. 

矢部光保「環境価値と仮想評価法」時政勗・薮田雅弘・今泉博国・有吉範敏編『環境と資源の経済学』勁草書房, pp.162-179, 2007.

矢部光保「イギリスにおける消費者の環境意識と遺伝子組換え食品に対する選択行動」藤岡典夫・立川雅司編著『GMOグローバル化する生産とその規制』農文協, pp.225-274, 2006.

矢部光保「生活観光型グリーン・ツーリズムとエコミュージアム構想」甲斐諭編著『山村の暮らしと再興―福岡県旧浮羽町を事例として―』NPO法人九州学術出版振興センター, pp.139-153, 2005. 

矢部光保・合田素行「水源林の経済評価と保全施策」田渕俊雄・塩見正衛編著『中山間地と多面的機能』農林統計協会, pp.46-69, 2002.

 矢部光保「多面的機能の考え方と費用負担」合田素行編著『農業環境政策と環境支払い―欧米と日本の対比―』農業総合研究所研究叢書第124号, pp.15-47, 2001.

Bergsrom, John, Kevin Boyle and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Determinants of Ground Water Quality Values, pp. Georgia and Maine Case Studies, in John Bergstrom and Kevin Boyle (eds.), Economic Value of Water Quality, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.15-47, 2001.