教授 矢部 光保
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141. 牧野翔太郎・矢部光保・髙橋義文・野村久子「Bio-CLF×液状MAPに対する農家の抵抗感はどこから生まれてくるか?」, 2024年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,ゆめゆめぷらざ・TAC,2024年9月9日.

140. 椎屋大誠・矢部光保・野村久子・髙橋義文「インターネットショッピングにおける消費者の購買要因と言語情報の関連性」, 2024年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,ゆめゆめぷらざ・TAC,2024年9月9日.

139. 寧一晟・髙橋義文・野村久子・矢部光保「中国における有機肥料の市場拡大に向けた価格形成要因と供給弾力性の分析」, 2024年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,ゆめゆめぷらざ・TAC,2024年9月9日.

138. Boyan WEI, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI, Hisako NOMURA and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Exploring Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Digital Food Sharing in China: A Case Study in Shenzhen City", 2024年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,ゆめゆめぷらざ・TAC,2024年9月9日.


141. 王悦・髙橋義文・野村久子・矢部光保「濃縮バイオ液肥の受容に影響を与える消費者特性に関する研究」,2023年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,鹿児島大学,2023年9月3日.

140. 王小玉・髙橋義文・野村久子・矢部光保「環境教育が児童や保護者の濃縮バイオ液肥受容に及ぼす影響評価」,2023年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,鹿児島大学,2023年9月3日.

139. 清家空馬・矢部 光保・野村久子・髙橋義文「濃縮バイオ液肥に対する農業従事者の価値評価と受容性分析」,2023年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,鹿児島大学,2023年9月3日.

138. 椎屋大誠・李哉泫・髙橋義文・矢部光保「有機農産物における環境配慮を重視した購買行動を引き起こす要因-有機農業の定義に着目して-」,2023年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,鹿児島大学,2023年9月3日.

137. 牧野翔太郎・髙橋義文・野村久子・矢部光保「Bio-CLFを施用した土耕栽培野菜・水耕栽培野菜の消費者選好の比較」,2023年度食農資源経済学会第17回大会,鹿児島大学,2023年9月3日.

136. Bounsy NANTHAPHONE, Mitsuyasu YABE, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Hisako NOMURA, "Development of a Sustainable and Economically Viable Coffee Industry for the Small Rural Economy of Lao PDR: A Case Study of the Effects of Fairtrade Certification on Household Food Security", The 10th JASID Western JAPAN Research Meeting, Kyushu University, 18 August, 2023.




134. Niphaphone PHOMMACHANH, Mitsuyasu YABE, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Hisako NOMURA, "Evaluating the Impacts of Adopting Improved Cookstove in Rural areas: Case study in Xaiyabouly Province, Lao PDR", The 8th JASID Western JAPAN Research Meeting, Kyushu University, August 30, 2021.

133. 黒川哲治「応援消費を通じた生物耐用性保全に対する消費者選好」,日本地域政策学会,熊本大会(web開催),2021年6月19-20日(6月19日報告)


132. Vu Thi Thu Huong, Hisako NOMURA, Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Mitsuyasu YABE, "Technical Efficiency and Its Determinants in maize production in Son La province, Vietnam", The 7th JASID Western Japan Research Meeting, Kyushu University, 21 August, 2020.

131. 髙橋義文「『選好の逆転現象』を考慮した生ごみ分別事業に対する意思決定プロセスに関する研究-多母集団同時分析によるアプローチ-」,日本国際地域開発学会,日本大学(コロナのためweb開催),神奈川県,2020年4月25-26日.(4月25日報告)


130. Le Thi Thu Huong, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Yoshifumi Takahashi, "Manure management and pollution levels of contract and non-contract livestock farming in Vietnam", Joint Symposium between faculty of land management of Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Faculty of agriculture of Kyushu University, Integrated land and water management, and climate change in Vietnam and Japan, Vietnam National University of Agriculture, 18 November, 2019.

129. 髙橋義文・道閑房恵「選好の逆転現象が環境配慮型行動の意思決定に与える影響-解釈レベル理論による心理的距離の変化を利用したアプローチ-」,日本国際地域開発学会,弘前大学,青森県,2019年11月9日.(11月9日報告)

128. Vuong Dai Quach, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Goshi Sato , Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Meat demand of households in Vietnam", The 10th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2019, Renmin University of China, Beijin, China, 15-16 November, 2019.(15日報告)

127. Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI and Mitasu YAMAMOTO, "An Adaptation of Construal Level Theory to Questionnaire Survey”, The 10th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2019, Renmin University of China, Beijin, China, 15-16 November, 2019.(15日報告)

126. LIN Gan, TAKAHASHI Yoshifumi, NOMURA Hisako, SATO Goshi, YABE Mitsuyasu, "Could The Chosen One Be The Better One? - Evaluation on China’s “Agricultural Leading Enterprise Program” -", The 10th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2019, Renmin University of China, Beijin, China, 15-16 November, 2019.(15日報告)

125. 楠戸建・髙橋義文・内之倉浩平・矢部光保「メタン発酵消化液を利用して生産されたトマトへの消費者評価に関する研究」,食農資源経済学会第13回大会,九州産業大学,2019年8月31日-9月1日.(1日報告)

124. 村松孝亮・徳村雅弘・王斉・三宅祐一・雨谷敬史・水田一枝・矢部光保・牧野正和「フォトフェントン反応によるメタン発酵廃液の処理」, 第28回日本環境化学討論会, 埼玉会館, 埼玉県, 2019年6月12-14日.


123. Tran Thi Thu Duyen, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Goshi Sato, Hisako Nomura, Mitsuyasu Yabe,"Famers’ preferences for contracts to adopt certified organic shrimp production in Vietnam", International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2018,  Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, 7 November, 2018.

122. 黒川哲治・矢部光保・野村久子・高橋義文「認定地からの距離と生物多様性認証が贈答品の消費者評価に及ぼす影響-世界農業遺産・静岡の茶草場農法を事例に-」,地域農林経済学会,東京農業大学,東京都,2018年10月12-14日.

121. Takeru Kusudo, Takafumi Gotoh, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Considering Non-Response Bias in Contingent Valuation by Using Auxiliary Variables in Internet Based Survey, The 9th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2018, Pyeongchang, Korea, 19 October, 2018.

120. Takeru Kusudo, Takahashi Yoshifumi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Analysis of the Feasibility of Voluntary Provision of Public Goods from the Perspective of Missing Data Problem", The Association for Regional Agricultural and Forestry Economics 2018 International Workshop II, Osaka Sangyo University, Osaka, Japan, 4 August, 2018.

119. 楠戸建・髙橋義文・矢部光保「寄付つき電気料金プランを通じた農村地域への資金供給の可能性 -サンプルセレクションのあるグループドデータ分析を用いた接近-」日本農業経済学会, 北海道大学,2018年5月26-28日(28日).


118. 髙橋義文・宮田勉・若松宏樹「養殖牡蠣の地区別消費動向から見た養殖牡蠣の今後の在り方についてーコレスポンデンス分析とクラスター分析からの接近ー」日本水産学会シンポジウム, 東京海洋大学,2018年3月26-31日(26日).

117. 髙橋義文「主要牡蠣産地の地域別消費者評価」日本流通学会九州部会,福岡大学,福岡県,2018年3月10日.

116. 楠戸建「屋久島の募金・協力金っていくつあるの?」『屋久島学ソサエティ第5回大会』,屋久島離島開発総合センター,屋久島町,2017年12月9-10日.

115. 久保裕貴・須藤⻯之介・宋閻徳嘉・杉山悠生理・雷陽・謝俊・楠戸建・金城まりあ・富本創・齋藤健太・池山草馬・辻真樹・黑木謙・藤田大生・細谷忠嗣・太田徹志・藤原敬大・御田成顕「福岡の人が感じたヤクシカ肉の味と値段: 福岡市内でのジビエ料理アンケート調査結果」『屋久島学ソサエティ第5回大会』,屋久島離島開発総合センター,屋久島町,2017年12月9-10日.

114. 細谷忠嗣・鈴木良芽・柿添翔太郎・田川一希・三木望・久保裕貴・岡山嵩大・ 宋閻徳嘉・石井絢子・吉澤聡史・土肥聖知・星野光之介・杉山悠生理・森口夏季・會津光博・黒岩亜梨花・角玲緒那・楠戸建・熊谷惇也・梅村啓太郎・菅野 一輝・須藤竜之介・西村直人・鈴木大・荒谷邦雄・村上貴弘・布施健吾・黒江美紗子・田中求・太田徹志・岩永史子・御田成顕・杉原創「高密度化したヤクシカが昆虫相に与える影響は?」『屋久島学ソサエティ第5回大会』,屋久島離島開発総合センター,屋久島町,2017年12月9-10日.

113. 濱坂岳暢・髙橋義文・矢部光保「液肥販売がバイオマス活用施設運営に与える影響の分析-日田市バイオマス資源化センターを事例として-」農村計画学会2017年度秋季大会,和歌山大学,和歌山県,2017年11月25-26日.

112. Takeru Kusudo, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Goshi Sato, and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Analysis of peoples's awareness toward the brand-new way to provide environmental public goods: Participate-decision and amount-decision of pro-environmental donation via electricity rate plan" International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2017, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 7-9 November, 2017.

111. Myo Sabai Aye, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Goshi Sato, and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Consumer's preference and willingness to pay towards environmentally friendly tomato in Myanmer" International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2017, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 7-9 November, 2017.

110. Ei Thazin Soe, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Goshi Sato, and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Improved Varieties Adoption and Its Impact on Technical Efficiency of Soybean Farmers in Southern Shan State, Myanmer" International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2017, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 7-9 November, 2017.

109. Tatang Sutisna, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Goshi Sato, and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Factors Influencing Consumer's Willingness to Pay Toward Good Agricultural Practices of Local Rice Production in Banten, Indonesia" International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2017, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 7-9 November, 2017.

108. Heru Susilo, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Goshi Sato, and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Willingness to Contribute Labor for Restoring Mangroves Ecosystems in Mahakam Delta, Indonesia" International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2017, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 7-9 November, 2017.

107. Bui Xuan Hong, Mitsuyasu Yabe and Yoshifumi Takahashi, "Determinants of marketability for organic biomass liquid fertilizer from human waste in Da Nang city, Vietnam" International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2017, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 7-9 November, 2017.

106. Zhen Wu, Goshi Sato, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “A Comparison Analysis of Cost Factors of the Nursing Home for the Aged in Urban and Suburban Area in Fukuoka Prefecture” The 8th International Symposium on East-Asian Agricultural Economics 2017, KItakyushu International Conference Cnter, Fukuoka, Japan, October 19-20, 2017.

105. 呂文超・後藤貴文・楠戸建・髙橋義文・矢部光保「国内草地に依拠した赤身牛肉の購買要因に関する研究」食農資源経済学会第11回大会,佐賀大学本庄キャンパス,佐賀県,2017年9月29-10月1日.

104. 吴臻・髙橋義文・佐藤剛史・矢部光保「介護付き有料老人ホームの月額料金と入居一時金に関する価格形成要因の比較分析」日本社会福祉学会九州地域部会第58回研究大会,九州看護福祉大学,熊本県,2017年5月20-21日


103. Le Thi Thanh Loan, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Determinants of home composting behavior: empirical evidence from Hoi An,Vietnam” The 13rd International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2016, Hotel Interciti, Daejeon, Korea, November 8-11, 2016.

102. Sein Mar, Mitsuyasu Yabe and Kazuo Ogata, “Production Analysis of Pulses farmers in Myanmar: Technical Efficiency Approach considering climate effect” The 13rd International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2016, Hotel Interciti, Daejeon, Korea, November 8-11, 2016.

101. Yoshifumi Takahashi, Tsutomu Miyata and Hiroki Wakamatsu, “Tasting Evaluation of Aquatic Product in Consideration of Consumer Fuzziness” The 13rd International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2016, Hotel Interciti, Daejeon, Korea, November 8-11, 2016.

100. Masuda Begum Sampa, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Investigating Psychological Factors and Socio-Demographic characteristics that may influence ‘ETHICAL CONSUMPTION’ in Japan” The 13rd International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2016, Hotel Interciti, Daejeon, Korea, November 8-11, 2016.

99. Xiao Yan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Analysis of the socio-economic determinants of indirect users’ willing to pay for preserving the ecosystem in Nasu” The 13rd International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2016, Hotel Interciti, Daejeon, Korea, November 8-11, 2016.

98. Zhen Wu, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “An Analysis of Choice Factors of the Nursing Home for the Aged in Fukuoka Prefecture” The 13rd International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia, 2016, Hotel Interciti, Daejeon, Korea, November 8-11, 2016.

97. Mitsuyasu Yabe, "The Market Value of GIAHS Certification: Traditional Tea-grass Integrated System in Japan and Biodiversity Conservation" The 7th International Symposium on East-Asia Agricultural Economics 2016, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, October 21, 2016.

96. Yoshifumi Takahashi, "A Measurement of Difference in Values between Intermediate Buyer and Producer in Fisheries" The 7th International Symposium on East-Asia Agricultural Economics 2016, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, October 21, 2016.

95. Hong Ngyen Bich, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Improving Resource Use Efficiency for Sustainable Agriculture under Climate Change: A Case Study of Vietnamese Tea Production" The 7th International Symposium on East-Asia Agricultural Economics 2016, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, October 21, 2016.

94. 清水幾太郎・樽井義和・髙橋義文「宮城県養殖ギンザケの生産復興状況と流通課題」 第45回北日本漁業経済学会, コラッセ福島, 福島県, 2016年9月23-24日.

93. Dao, M.Hai, Masato Honda, Xuchun Qiu, Hai Xua, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Kiwao Kadokami, Yohei Shimasaki, Yuji Oshima, “Contaminants in liquid organic fertilizers used for agriculture in Japan” The 3rd The Japan Society For International Development (JASID) Western Japan Research Meeting, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, August 29, 2016.

92. Min San, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Socio-economic study on Consumers' Preference towards Certificate for Development of Safety milk in Myanmar” The 6th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE), Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Jpana, August 7-11, 2016.

91. Le, Thi Thanh Loan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Factors Influencing Public Perceived Policy Effectiveness in Monitoring Municipal Solid Waste Separation at Source Program” The 6th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE), Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan, August 7-11, 2016.

90. Dao, Thi Hoang Anh, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Estimating the Farmers' Willingness to Pay for Municipal Solid Waste Compost in Hanoi” The 6th Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE),  Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan, August 7-11, 2016.


89. Le, Thi Thanh Loan, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Factors Influencing Future Intention of Municipal Organic Waste Separation at Source: The Case Study in Hoi An City, Vietnam" The 3rd 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs), Hanoi, Vietnam, March 9-11, 2016.

88. Yabe, Mitsuyasu and Hidetaka Tsujibayashi, Comparison of Anaerobic and Aerobic Fermentation Plant for Recycling Organic Waste and Liquid Fertilize Use: In the Viewpoint of Life Cycle Assessment and Treatment Cost, the 2nd Satellite Seminar,  International Symposium on Microbial Research and Biotechnology for Biomass Utilization, JR Hakata City, Fukuoka, Japan, November 12, 2015.

87. Yabe, Mitsuyasu, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) and Its perspective in Vietnam,  The 1st Annual Environmental Economics Conference, the Economic and Environmental Program for South East Asia (EEPSEA) , Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam, November 23, 2015

86.Takahashi, Yoshifumi, Tsutomu Miyata and Hiroki Wakamatsu, An analysis of the potential success for an improved “high quality” oyster entering the existing market, The 16th Japanese -French Oceanography Symposium, Tohoku/Tokyo, Japan, November 17, 2015.

85. Ying, Yangqing, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, The Economic Analysis of Consumer Preference on GIAHS Brand Tea in Japan, The International Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea (AFELiSA),  Tottori, Japan, November 4-5, 2015

84. Kou, Kaen, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, The Use of Agricultural Resources and Tourism Resources in Akiyoshidai Grassland; The Current Status and the Issue of Regeneration, The International Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea (AFELiSA),  Tottori, Japan, November 4-5, 2015

83. Le, Thi Thanh Loan, Dao Thi Hoang Anh, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Goshi Sato, and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Municipal Organic Waste Treatment Practices at Household Level in Vietnam, The International Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea (AFELiSA),  Tottori, Japan, November 4-5, 2015

82. Yabe, Mitsuyasu, Estimation of Ecological Values on Environment-friendly Agricultural Products, The International Advanced Forum on Frontier of Ecological Economics Research, Beihai, Shandong, China, August 15, 2015

81.  Hayashi, Takashi and Yoshifumi Takahashi, Market Internalized Value of Bio-friendly Agriculture: An Evaluation of Impact of Stork-friendly Rice Production on a Local Economy, International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Universita Degli Studi Di Milano, Italy, 11 August, 2015

80. Nomura, Hisako, Mitsuyasu Yabe and Masuda Begum Sampa, Latent Preference and Valuation of Health Walk on Footpath in UK, The Fifth Congress of the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, August 5-7, 2015

79. Yuan, Yalin, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, "Model of Household Kitchen Waste Separation Behavior: A Case Study of Beijing," International Conference on Social Sciences and Psychology, Courtyard Seoul Times Square, Seoul, Korea, June 27, 2015

78. Phouthivong Khamsay, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Tourists’ Preferences for Eco-Friendly Services Related to River Conservation of Hotel Industry: A Case Study of Namxong River in Vangvieng District, Laos, International Conference on Social Sciences and Psychology, Courtyard Seoul Times Square, Seoul, Korea, June 27, 2015

77. Thi Mar Win, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Resource Use and Technical Efficiency Analysis of Hybrid Maize Farmers in Myanmar, International Conference on Social Sciences and Psychology, Courtyard Seoul Times Square, Seoul, Korea, June 27, 2015.

76. Thi Mar Win, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Hisako Nomura and Matsuyasu Yabe, Resource Use and Technical Efficiency Analysis of Hybrid Maize Farmers in Myanmar, the 8th ADB-Japan  Scholarship Program Scholars' Research Forum, Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan, June 19, 2015


75. Vo, Hong Tu, Mitsuyasu Yabe and Nguyen Thuy Trang, Environmental Efficiency of Ecologically Engineered Rice Production in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, 2015年度日本農業経済学会, 東京農工大学, 東京, 2015年3月28-29日

74. 矢部光保「農文化システム保全のためのアプローチの分類と取組の特性」農文化システムに関する国際シンポジウム, 2015年3月3日, 国連大学, 東京(招待講演)

73. 楠戸建「トキファンクラブ会員における生物多様性等に配慮した農産物と世界農業遺産に関する意識調査」平成26年度 生物多様性学術研究発表会, トキ交流会館,  佐渡市, 2015年2月28日

72. 楠戸建・矢部光保「表明された支払意思額と実際の支払額の差に関する分析—農業用水車への募金活動を事例として—」2014年度農村計画学会秋期大会, 宮城大学, 宮城県, 2014年11月29-30日

71. 矢部光保「阿蘇草原保全に関する環境価値評価と市民意識の比較」第10回全国草原サミット・シンポジウムin阿蘇, 阿蘇プラザホテル, 阿蘇市,(招待講演), 2014年11月22-24日

70. 辻林英高・矢部光保「有機廃棄物の液肥化循環利用におけるバイオガスプラントの効果―温室効果ガス排出と処理費用の削減に向けたLCAアプローチ―」日本地域学会第51回(2014年)年次大会, 麗澤大学, 千葉県柏市, 2014年10月3日-5日

69. Kusudo, Takeru and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Recognition of Payment Chance and Estimation of Willingness to Pay,International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia, 2014, Kangwon-do, Korea, October 29-30, 2014

68. Kusudo, Takeru and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Actual Amount of Donation versus Expressed Willingness to Pay, 5th International Symposium on East-Asia Agricultural Economics 2014, Fukuoka, Japan, October 24-25, 2014

67. Tran, Thi Thu Duyen and Mitsuyasu Yabe , Analysis of Tourists' Preferences for Ecotourism and Biodiversity Conservation in Protected Area in Vietnam: The case of Phu My Protected Area, The 5th International Seminar of JSPS Core-to-Core Program; Collaborative Project for Soil and Water Conservation in Southeast Asian Watersheds, Fukuoka, Japan, August 06-07, 2014

66. Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Estimating Consumer Behavior for Environmentally Certified Rice: Evidence from Choice Experiment, The 5th International Seminar of JSPS Core-to-Core Program; Collaborative Project for Soil and Water Consevation in Southeast Asian Watershed, Fukuoka, Japan, August 06-07, 2014

65. Yabe, Mitsuyasu, Hayashi Takashi, Nishimura Bunei, Sun Binhong, Conservation of biodiversity and its value in agricultural products, 1st Conference of East Asia Research Association for Agricultural Heritage Systems (ERAHS), Xinghua, Jiangsu, China, April 7-10, 2014


64. 辻林英高・矢部光保,自治体運営のバイオガスプラントと液状コンポストプラントのLCA分析-家庭由来の生ごみ,し尿,浄化槽汚泥のリサイクル事業のGHGとコストに関する研究-, 2014年度日本農業経済学会大会個別報告, 神戸大学, 神戸市, 2014.03.29-30

63. Tran, Thi Thu Dyuen and Mitsuyasu Yabe, The economic benefit of Sarus Crane Conservation in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia (International Joint Symposium among Japan, Korea and China), Sun Hotel, Miyazaki, November 7, 2013.

62. Joen, Iksung and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Policy comparison between Japan and Korean on the development of biomass industry using livestock wastes, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia (International Joint Symposium among Japan, Korea and China), Sun Hotel, Miyazaki, November 7, 2013.

61. Nakamura, Yukie and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Life Cycle Assessment of Yamaga Biomass Center in Kumamoto, Japan, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia (International Joint Symposium among Japan, Korea and China), Sun Hotel, Miyazaki, November 7, 2013.

60. Arbiol, Joseph, Mitsuyasu Yabe, and Hisako Nomura, An Estimation of the Economic Burden of Leptospirosis Using Cost-of-Illness Approach, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia (International Joint Symposium among Japan, Korea and China), Sun Hotel, Miyazaki, November 7, 2013.

59. Yuan, Yalin and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Beijing Residents' Willingness to Pay for Household Kitchen Waste Separation, 日中韓国際学術シンポジウム, 中国人民大学, 北京, 中華人民共和国, 2013.10.13

58. 矢部光保, 日本の農業環境政策と環境直接支払, 日中韓国際学術シンポジウム, 中国人民大学, 北京, 中華人民共和国, 2013.10.12

57. 辻林英高・藤真人・冨永聖哉・矢部光保, ウエット系廃棄物の液肥活用事業における好気性発酵処理と嫌気性発酵処理の温室効果ガスと運営コストに関する比較分析, 食農資源経済学会, 別府大学別府キャンパス, 大分県別府市, 2013.9.15-16

56. Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Estimating Urban Residents’ Willingness to Pay for the Biodiversity Conservation of Swamp Forest in Vietnam”, Third International Seminar of JSPS Core-to-Core Program : Collaborative Project for Soil and Water Conservation in Southeast Asian Watersheds, Water Resource University, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 7-8, 2013. 

55. Tran, Thi Thu Duyen, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, “Willingness to pay for Sarus Crane Conservation in Mekong River Delta, Vietnam,” International Seminar of JSPS Core-to-Core Program: Collaborative Project for Soil and Water Conservation in Southeast Asian Watersheds, Water Resource University, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 7-8, 2013.

54. Hoang, Van Long Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, A Review on the Environmental Policies and the Situation of Water Pollution in Vietnam, 2013 International Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Courtyard Marriot Seoul Times Square, Seoul, Korea, June 29, 2013. 

53. Koun, Pich, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Economic Valuation for Improved Sanitation Services in Cambodia: An  Application of Choice Modeling, 2013 International Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Courtyard Marriot Seoul Times Square, Seoul, Korea, June 28, 2013. 

52. Nguyen, Thi Quynh Chi, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Measuring the Efficiencies of Shrimp Monoculture Farms in Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam - Stochastic Production Frontier versus Data Envelopment Analysis, 2013 International Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Courtyard Marriot Seoul Times Square, Seoul, Korea, June 28, 2013.


51. 矢部光保, 畜産廃棄物の液肥利用とコベネフィット政策:趣旨説明, 日本農業経済学会特別セッション, 東京農業大学, 2013.3.30

50. Koun, Pich, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Willingness to Pay for Improved Sanitation Services in Cambodia: Contingent Valuation and Choice Modeling Applications, 9th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, International Conference Center, Hiroshima, Japan, January 24, 2013.

49. Nguyen, Thi Quynh Chi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Shrimp Poly-culture Development and Local Livelihoods in Tam Giang-Cau Hai Lagoon, Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam, 9th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, International Conference Center, Hiroshima, Japan, January 24, 2013.

48. Huynh, Viet Khai, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Economic value of water quality improvement: A case of rivers in Soc Trang, Vietnam, 9th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, International Conference Center, Hiroshima, Japan, January 24, 2013.

47. Nomura, Hisako and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Can the Willingness to Pay be actually paid? -An aging society, rural development and conserving agricultural heritage-, Association of Japanese Studies in Indonesia/Asosiasi Studi Jepang di Indonesia (ASJI), November 29, 2012.

46. Yabe, Mitsuyasu, Study of Agro-environmental Economics in Kyushu University, Kyushu University, Faculty of Agriculture, Follow-up Seminar for JDS Graduates from the MS program: Agricultural Research, Development, and Contemporary Issues in Vietnam, Can Tho University, Viet Nam, November 24, 2012.

45. Koun, Pich, Goshi SATO, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Willingness to Pay for Improved Sanitation Services: A Case Study in Bonteay Meas District, Kampot Province, Cambodia, The 9th International AFAS Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, November7, 2012.

44. Arbiol, Joseph, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hisako Nomura, Patients' preference and value for leptospirosis vaccine attribute: A dicrete choice experiment approach, The 9th International AFAS Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, November 7, 2012.

43. Nguyen, Thi  Quynh Chi and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Analysis of Productive Efficiency of Shrimp Poly-culture Farms: A Case Study in Tam Giang – Cau Hai Lagoon, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam, The 9th International AFAS Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Keare, November 7, 2012.

42. Fan, Yue and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Elicting consumers' willingness to pay and valuing the influence of underlying attitude for organic milk in China, International Symposium on Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia 2012, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, November 7, 2012.

41. To, Masato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Life cycle assessment of waste treatment plants in Japanese rural area, International Symposium on Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia 2012, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea, November 7,  2012.

40. Hoan, Van Long, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Linking Economic Development with Social And Environmental Issues in Viet Nam, The 6th International Symposium on the East Asian Environmental Problems (EAEP2012), RIEAE, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, Noveber 6,  2012.

39. Nomura, Hisako and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Can the Willingness to Pay be Actually Paid?: A pilot Program for Conserving Agricultural Heritage, The 3rd International Symposium on East Asian Agriculture “Aging Farmers and Agricultural Polices in East Asian Countries” Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, 2012.10.26.

38. 野村久子, 矢部光保, 表明された支払意思額は実際に支払われるか―歴史的農業遺産保全のための社会実験―, 環境経済・政策学会, 東北大学, 2012.9.15.

37. Nomura, HIsako and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Joseph Arbiol, Where are micro policies necessary in the scope to mitigate a neglected disease?, ACSPRI Conferences, RC33 Eighth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australlia, July 11, 2102. 

36. Hoan, Van Long and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Impact of Environmental Factors on Rice Profit: A Study from Vietnam’s Red River Delta, International Conference of Economics and Business Administration, World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology (WASET) issue 66 Copenhagen, 2012.6.12

35. 英格, 矢部光保, 中国生物調査与環境意識的調査, 第二届経済教育与管理国際学術会議(The 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Management), 上海リバーヴューホテル, 2012.6.2


34. Yabe, Mitsuyasu, T. Hayashi and B. Nishimura, Consumer behavior for biodiversity conservation and price formation in agricultural products, The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Conference 2012, Leipzig, Germany, 2012.3.21.

33. Fan, Yue, Mitsuyasu Yabe and Goshi Sato, Chinese consumers’ demand for organic milk and animal welfare in China, The 8th International Symposium between Japan and Korea, Tottori University, 2011.11.16.

32. Arbiol, Joseph, Maridel Borja, Mitsuyasu Yabe and Hisako Nomura, Economic Valuation of Leptospirosis Control and Prevention Program Using Contingent Valuation Method?, the 8th International Symposium between Japan and Korea, Tottori University, 2011.11.16.

31. Ying Ge, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Yue Fan , Bo Huang, Tinggun Chen and Goshi Sato A Survey and Analysis of Public Awareness on Biodiversity in China, the 8th International Symposium between Japan and Korea, Tottori University, 2011.11.16.

30. 矢部光保「液肥利用の意義と課題」江蘇省国際農業博覧会, 江蘇省揚州市, 2011.9.24.

29. Souphonphacdy, Daovinh , Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe , Impact of Rubber Concession on Rural Livelihood in Champasack Province, Lao PDR, 食農資源経済学会, 長崎県JA会館, 2011.9.18.

28. Vanisaveth, Viengpasith, Goshi Sato and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Maize Farmers in Northern Lao PDR, pp. A Case Study of Paklay District Sayaboury Province, 食農資源経済学会, 長崎県JA会館, 2011.9.18.

27. Galawat, Fadil and Mitsuyasu Yabe, An Analysis of Farm Level Profit Efficiency Among Rice Farmers in Brunei Darussalam, pp. A Stochastic Frontier Approach, 食農資源経済学会, 長崎県JA会館, 2011.9.18.

26. 矢部光保「農業経済学的視点から見た家畜ふん尿の循環利用―堆肥と液肥に関する社会技術開発と政策的課題―」日本土壌肥料学会,つくば市, 2011.8.10.

25. Galawat, Fadil and Mitsuyasu Yabe, An Analysis of Farm Level Technical Efficiency in the Rice Production in Brunei Darussalam, pp. A Stochastic Frontier Approach, International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference, Harvard University, 2011.5.30.

24. Hoang, Van Long and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Hoang Van Long Unequal Regional Development in Rural Vietnam, pp. Spatial Disparities and Policy Considerations, International Conference of Business and Economic Research, Langkawi, 2011.03.

23. Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, The Damage to Rice Production Caused by Water Pollution in Vietnam, The 7th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ, 2011.01.

22. Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, The loss of rice production due to industrial pollution in Vietnam, , Huynh Viet Khai, the Economics and Environment Network Symposium, The Australian National University, Canberra, 2010.11.

21. Fujiwara, Ryoya, Mitsuyasu Yabe and Goshi Sato, Economic Evaluation of Grassland Preservation, The 7th International Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea, pp. Current Status and Perspectives of Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Sciences in 2010, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, 2010.11.11

20. Hoang, Van Long and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Analyzing Income Inequality in Rural Vietnam Using Panel Data, The 7th International Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea, pp. Current Status and Perspectives of Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Sciences in 2010, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, 2010.11.11

19. Yabe, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Rumi Nakagawa, Takashi Hayashi and Bunei Nishimura, Japanese Green Consumer's Preference for Life Brand Rice, The 7th International Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea, pp. Current Status and Perspectives of Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Sciences in 2010, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, 2010.11.11

18. Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Effect of Water Pollution on the Profit of Rice Production in Vietnam, Huynh Viet Khai, The 7th International Joint Symposium between Japan and Korea, pp. Current Status and Perspectives of Agriculture, Forestry, and Animal Sciences in 2010, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, 2010.11.11

17. 英格・陳廷貴・矢部光保, 上海ガニ養殖へのChina GAP 認証適応に関する消費者意識の経済分析, 地域農林経済学会, 京都大学, 京都, 2010.10.23.

16. 野村久子・矢部光保・和泉真理・平井一男・西尾健, 農地における生物多様性への取り組みの実施状況と課題 ―ドイツ・ニーダーザクソン州におけるによる結果に基づく農業環境支払い制度―, 平成22年度日本農業経営学会研究大会, 秋田県立大学秋田キャンパス, 2010.09.19.

15. Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Huynh Viet Khai, Impact of Water Pollution on Rice Productivity in Vietnam, The East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 2010.08.18.

14. Sangkapitux, Chapika, Andreas Neef, Mitsuyasu Yabe, Worapong Polkongkaew, Nucharee Pimpaud and Jiraporn Konsurin, Organic Fruit Farming in the Northern Thai Uplands, pp. Are Urban Consumers Willing to Pay the Price Premium? International Symposium "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia", Hanoi University of Agriculture, Hanoi, 2010.07.22

13. Galawat, Fadil and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Analyzing Consumer Preference on Local Rice Attributes in Brunei Using Choice Model, 日本農業経済学会, 京都大学, 2010.03.28.

12. Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Impacts on Life Improvement of Rice farmers in Vietnam, 日本農業経済学会, 京都大学, 2010.03.28.

11. Hoang, Van Long, Income Inequality between the Kinh and the Co Tu Farm Households in the Buffer Zone of Bach Ma national Park, Vietnam, 日本農業経済学会, 京都大学, 2010.03.28

10. 黄波・彭超・劉伝磊・矢部光保, 中国食糧直接支払制度が小麦・トウモロコシ作付面積に与えた影響の分析,日本農業経済学会, 京都大学, 2010.03.28

9. 英格・矢部光保・陳廷貴・南石晃明, 中国太湖における水産物(環境)に対するリスク認知と支払意志額, China-Japan Workshop on Agricultural Risk Management and Food Safety, 中国人民大学, 2009.12.13.

8. 野村久子・矢部光保・和泉真理・平井一男・西尾健, イングランドにおける環境スチュワードシップ制度の取り組みの実施状況と課題, 日本農業経営学会, 千葉大学, 2009.09.20.

7. 英格・矢部光保, 中国太湖のカニ養殖と水質汚染に関する現状と課題, 2009年度食農資源経済学会, 佐賀県武雄市文化会館, 2009.09.13

6. 野村久子・矢部光保, 英国における環境保全的農業政策の新展開, 2009年度日本農業経済学会大会, 筑波大学, 2009.03.29

5. Huynh, Viet Khai and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Agricultural Policy Impacts in Soybean Productive Efficiency in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam, 2009年度日本農業経済学会大会, 筑波大学, 2009.03.29

4. Yabe, Mitsuyasu, Supporting Domestic Bio-ethanol Production with Gasoline Tax and Estimating Acceptable Subsidy Level, International Symposium between Japan and Korea, Chungnam University, 2008.11.13.

3. 黄波・矢部光保, 短期的な情報量の増加が北京市民の黄砂問題の意識・行動に与える影響の分析, 2008年度食農資源経済学会第2回大会, 南九州大学, 2008.09.28.

2.Galawat, Fadil and Mitsuyasu Yabe, Demand Analysis of Local Rice Production in Brunei, pp. An Application of Choice Modeling, 2008年度食農資源経済学会第2回大会,南九州大学, 2008.09.28.

1. 矢部光保, 里山のもつ非市場的価値の経済評価, 横浜国立大学COE「アジア視点の国際生態リスクマネジメント」講演会, 横浜国立大学, 2008.09.22